Keynote presentation to Mercedes Benz leadership in Bremen – Germany
I recently had the brilliant experience of delivering a motivational keynote presentation to the leadership of Mercedes Benz in Bremen, Germany. It was a great honour! As I stood there speaking I couldn’t help but think that I was speaking to people who had created a “miracle” business and that they could probably tell of some impossible things which they have made possible. Just prior to the presentation I was taken on a tour of the C-Class manufacturing division and it was unbelievable. Whilst full production is happening they are also gearing up for the production of the new W205 C-Class. They have many challenges ahead, some of which may be seemingly impossible, but we all know about that word! So, my task was to inspire these men and women and over the 70 minutes I had with them, we unpacked “Impossible”.I will be posting some short video clips on my site soon so keep an eye out for them.