Latest News and Updates from the Pole
Boys are better. woke up feeling worst ever but had a good day of skiing despite hectic uphills that slowed them down a lot. horrible sores on Pete’s face but all good.
Very interesting news – the have been communicating with team Centrepoint (Brit Green team) and one of the guys (Andy?) has got a fractured arm and has been advised to stop. Pete and Braam have offered to team up with Centrepoint and split the weight of his pulk between the 4 of them rather than just his 2 remaining teammates so Andy can continue to the pole skiing without a pulk. I think this is totally awesome. The Centrepoint team is behind them now but they will probably ski together from tomorrow.
Some pictures have been added to the this Gallery, with more coming soon…
Some past updates:
Tuesday 17th 2012
Team SA had a good rest at Checkpoint 1 and left the halfway mark at 19:00 last night for the second and final leg of this epic race to the South Pole. From now on they will travel through the night. This wont be a problem as it will be 24 hours of sunlight in the Antarctic until middle March.
Braam said that the Centenary Race to the South Pole is much tougher then his Great Wall of China and Smile SA run. “The terrain is like a frozen choppy sea and its very tough pulling the pulk over this terrain”. Photo by Henri van Schalkwyk, a Urban Brew Studios crew member in Antarctica
Sunday 15th 2012
Team SA arrived at the half way checkpoint just after 17h00 (GMT) on Sunday, 15 January. Braam and Pete now have a mandatory 24 hour rest and recovery period before they start walking the remaining 330 km of the Scott-Amundsen Centenary Race to the South Pole.
Friday 13th 2012
Dr Ian Davis and the boys from SA, Mission Possible!! We are happy to announce that Braam and Pete are feeling much better. Urban Brew Studios, MyPlanet and Pete and Braam’s families would like to thank you all for your messages of encouragement. Remember to follow Team SA on and also read Paul van Schalkwyk’s blog, BELOW ZERO, for very interesting updates from Antarctica. Photo by Extreme World Races
Thursday 12th 2012
On 11 January the Norwegian team reached the halfway checkpoint of the Centenary Race to the South Pole. They were the first team to get there and are two days ahead of the other teams. Peter van Kets said in a previous interview, “The Norwegians are like machines”. This seems to be true. If they keep the pace at which they have been moving since the start of the race, they will definitely win.
In Antarctica the race observers all agree that the South Africans are putting in a remarkable performance, especially since they are absolute strangers to snow environments. Tomorrow the temperature will be –25˚Celsius and in the evening it is forecast at –31˚Celsius.
In the photo the Urban Brew Studios film crew in Antarctica is interviewing a member of the Norwegian team.
Wednesday 11th 2012
An update on Team SA: They are getting back into form again, still coughing and tough going, but definitely getting into the new routine. They had a good night and covered 30km today in good weather – sun shining at -25 for the first half and very poor visibility later.
Tuesday 10th 2012
Marc Woods was evacuated from the Antarctic Plateau on Sunday night. He is now being checked out at the Novo Russian Science base by their doctor and will fly out to Cape Town later this week. We are glad that Marc is doing ok. Now Team SA must just keep on going strong. Peter has also started coughing and wheezing, so please keep them in your thoughts.